Diffustik – The flexible CO diffusion

The Diffustik adapts to your needs and to those of your patients

› Modular concept

› Large swivable range

› Offline processing




The Diffustik adapts to your needs and to those of your patients

The Geratherm Respiratory Diffustik is the ideal measurement device for lung diffusion, offering reliable, reproducible results from an infrared fast gas analyser. Diffustik has been developed as part of a modular system which can be expanded with the addition of further modules. Thus the carbon monoxide diffusion capacity (DLCO) and accompanying spirometry parameters, such as flow-volume and MVV, can be enhanced with other diagnostically relevant values, such as MIP/MEP, Rocc/Rint or respiratory resistance and lung volumes, with the addition of hardware and software options.


Patient comfort is always a priority for the designers at Geratherm Respiratory and the Diffustik is no exception designed around the height-adjustable measuring device, the device arm can be moved up and down easily and quickly by approximately 60 degrees and so offers the ability to perform examinations in either a sitting or standing position offering optimum patient comfort. The power of the Diffustik comes from the infrared fast gas analyser, enabling analysis of gas concentrations in real time during inspiration and expiration. The powerful BLUE CHERRY® software for pulmonary function diagnostic quickly calculates the results and displays user-friendly curve views along with the measurement values.

The Diffustik system coupled with BLUE CHERRY® diagnostic software offers the measurement of a full suite of spirometry values together with the CO diffusion (DLCO Diffusing capacity or TLCO, Transfer factor  of the lung for carbon monoxide) Together, this is enough information to enable a functional differentiation of bronchial asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) such as pulmonary emphysema.


Fast gas analysis using the powerful infrared analyser has revolutionised single breath CO diffusion measurement. The real-time analysis of the inhaled gas removes the requirement for calibration of the system prior to test, this greatly reduces test time and in turn helps to improve the patient experience. The use of carbon monoxide and methane allows the system to determine diffusion capacity together with a single breath measurement of lung volume.


Offline processing

As with all Geratherm Respiratory systems the Diffustik is controlled by the powerful BLUE CHERRY® cardiopulmonary diagnostic software, measuring, evaluating and displaying results. The simple to understand graphical display shown throughout the test procedure helps the user quickly identify possible leaks for example at the patient mouthpiece connection, as well as providing information about lung anatomy.


The great advantage of real time analysis is the collection of all the data, in the past data was only collected at the sample point meaning this was fixed, but with the Diffustik both sample poit and sample volume can be adjusted post-test. If it is necessary to increase the discard volume or adjust the sample size this can be done easily with the mouse, just drag and drop the marker line to the new position. This will instantly show the effect on the recorded results. This is coupled with the ATS/ERS checks to ensure that the performed test meet all of the required criteria. Final control always remains with the user but the power of BLUE CHERRY® allows the best clinical decisions to be made.


Large swivable range

Test Standardisation requires the subject be in a standing or sitting, the Diffustik flexible arm helps accommodate this with the ability to easily move up and down between  approximately 60 degrees once in place the arm can be locked to add to patient comfort. This freedom of movement allows for a large range for measurement positions. It can be comfortably adapted to each patient, irrespective of individual height, making ideal for wheel chair users.


Modular concept

Software options allow the expansion of the Diffustik with the inclusion of MIP (Maximum Inspiratory Pressure) and MEP (Maximum Expiratory Pressure)measurement. MIPs and MEPs give important information about respiratory drive, the respiratory muscles and the auxiliary respiratory muscles, this measurement allows investigation of neuromuscular disorders, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).


A further software option allows measurement of airway resistance Rocc (Resistance by Occlusion)/Rint (Resistance by Interrupter). A test shown to be useful for less-collaborative patients (e.g. patients with advanced disease, geriatric patients or preschool children).


Further enhancement of the Diffustik can be made with the addition of Bronchial Provocation package. The use of different methacholine concentrations allows insight to the degree of bronchial hyperreactivity (especially asthma bronchiale) and helps in the determination of the correct treatment.


BLUE CHERRY® – The powerful diagnostic software

Geratherm Respiratory is continuously developing BLUE CHERRY® to encompass the latest clinical advances and to further improve its use with helpful new functions. Some features include

  • Integrated quality control and measures according to ATS/ERS guidelines
  • Interpretation algorithms and proprietary interpretation graphics for spirometry
  • Latest GLI predicted values (2012 and 2017) including Z-Scores
  • Individually configurable reports
  • Long-term trending and overlay of tests
  • User accounts with different authority levels
  • Optimised workflows through interfaces with HL7 or GDT to existing Hospital systems
  • Powerful reporting including .pdf export
  • Complex and safe network installations with central SQL database

Making the Diffustik a key part of the latest generation of pulmonary function testing and following our motto: Living Flow


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