Spirostik Blue – The mobile Bluetooth Spirometer

Spirostik Blue

With the Spirostik Blue you gain freedom.

› Maximum patient safety
› Intuitive software platform
› High mobility




The mobile Bluetooth Spirometer

The Spirostik Blue is the latest generation of spirometry device from Geratherm Respiratory offering a powerful diagnostic tool for use in all areas from Hospitals to private clinics. The Spirostik Blue enables diagnosis, follow-up screening or severity assessment of Respiratory diseases. It can also be used to aid differential diagnosis for obstructive respiratory diseases such as, asthma, COPD or emphysema or restrictive diseases for example interstitial lung disease, pulmonary fibrosis, neuromuscular disorders.

High mobility

The Spirostik Blue utilises the latest Bluetooth communication technology to communicate with any Bluetooth equipped PC running the Powerful BLUE CHERRY® respiratory Diagnostic suite software, offering greater mobility and range within the examination room or even diagnosis outside the examination room. Spirostik Blue is powered by 2 AA batteries providing a truly mobile solution for spirometry testing. The device only uses power when it is picked up for measurement, otherwise the Spirostik Blue is in standby mode allowing low energy consumption. The Spirostik Blue utilises the Blueflow single patient use flow sensor offering both the patient and the user the best protection from cross contamination.


Maximum patient safety

The Spirostik Blue Bluetooth spirometry system is the latest generation of spirometer from Geratherm Respiratory: Spirostik Blue follows the long established hygiene concept of single patient use flow sensors, now coupled with powerful Bluetooth connectivity offering greater mobility during spirometry testing. The disposable Blueflow flow sensor is changed for each patient to ensure maximum patient safety avoiding the risk of cross-contamination. The “snap-in handle” design allows the user to insert and eject the Blueflow without touching the sensor providing a cleaner and safer environment for the user as well as the patient. The measurement accuracy of the Blueflow flow sensor is fully compliant with the ATS/ERS specifications, this is maintained through close monitoring and checking during the production of the sensors.

Intelligent power management

The Spirostik Blue is supplied with two rechargeable AA batteries and a charger. The system is equipped with a LED indicator in the handle showing the operating status: blue – connecting; green – ready; yellow: low battery; red – empty battery. The Spirostik Blue is designed to be energy efficient turning off after 45 seconds of no movement it automatically turns back on when it is picked up for measurement. This efficient design allows to be used continuously throughout the day.

Battery operation together with wireless (Bluetooth) data transfer and the power of the BLUE CHERRY® pulmonary function diagnostic platform make the Spirostik Blue an excellent choice in any environment: The freedom of movement allows tests to be performed simply in multiple examination rooms or even on wards with the use of a laptop or tablet. Once the Spirostik Blue and the PC are paired via Bluetooth, the device connects automatically within seconds, providing stable and reliable results directly into the BLUE CHERRY® diagnostic platform.

Accuracy can be further improved with the addition of the USB based environmental module Ambistik. The Ambistik continuously measures ambient conditions temperature, pressure and humidity and ensures the correct BTPS compensation at all times removing the need for the user to enter these values manually.


BLUE CHERRY® – The powerful diagnostic platform

Spirostik Blue runs under the powerful BLUE CHERRY® diagnostic software platform and as such can be combined with other products from Geratherm Respiratory to create a full-suite of cardiopulmonary diagnostic testing. BLUE CHERRY® is fully scalable from simple single-workstation installations up to complex network solutions and can be customised to fulfil a broad range of requirements – from daily medical routine to clinical research.
Geratherm Respiratory is continuously developing BLUE CHERRY® to encompass the latest clinical advances and to further improve its use with helpful new functions. Some features include

  • Integrated quality control and measures according to ATS/ERS guidelines
  • Interpretation algorithms and proprietary interpretation graphics for spirometry
  • Latest GLI predicted values (2012 and 2017) including Z-Scores
  • Individually configurable reports
  • Long-term trending and overlay of tests
  • User accounts with different authority levels
  • Optimised workflows through interfaces with HL7 or GDT to existing Hospital systems
  • Powerful reporting including .pdf export
  • Complex and safe network installations with central SQL database

Making the Spirostik Blue a key part of the latest generation of spirometry and following our motto: Living Flow


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