Spirostik – The innovative USB spirometer


Spirostik saves you time in daily practice and offers maximum safety for your patients .

›Maximum patient safety
› Intuitive software platform
› Quick and easy in daily practice





Spirostik saves you time in daily practice and offers maximum safety for your patients

The Spirostik is the innovative USB-based solution for PC spirometry. The excellent hygiene concept and the ergonomic design help safe time in daily practice making it the first choice for measurement of lung function. The Spirostik has been designed to give accurate measurements of spirometry in line with ATS/ERS guidelines. Excellent design coupled with high level German production ensures a high quality product. The low dead space of the flow sensor (Spiraflow) and the associated low level of CO2 rebreathing make Spirostik ideally suited for examinations of patients with advanced diseases or for small children. In addition Spirostik is easily transported, contained in a small and robust case, the Spirostik can easily be moved between clinic rooms or even outside to the patient. Running under the powerful BLUE CHERRY® diagnostic software platform Spirostik provides the perfect tool for screening of restrictive and obstructive lung diseases such as  COPD.

Maximum patient safety

The Spirostik spirometer has been designed around the Spiraflow single patient use flow sensor, a new flow sensor rather than a filter removes the risk of cross contamination between patients. This concept also removes the increased deadspace and flow resistance created when using bacterial viral filters. Packaged together with the noseclip (Softclip) the hygiene concept also extends to the user, with the simple ‘snap fit’ ergonomic handle the Spiraflow can be inserted directly from the package and removed without the need to touch the sensor.

By removing the need for a bacterial viral filter during testing and reducing the overall deadspace of the system as well as reducing the flow resistance there is also a reduction in CO2 rebreathing, offering a great advantage when testing small children or other compromised patients.

Spirostik offers the measurement capabilities of a state-of-the-art spirometer: slow vital capacity (SVC) and forced vital capacity (FVC) tests can be performed according to the latest ATS/ERS guidelines as well as measurement of Maximum Voluntary Ventilation (MVV). A broad variety of parameters are determined automatically, e.g. SVC, FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, PEF, IC, ERV, MEF25-75 to name but a few.

The measurement accuracy of Spirostik has been validated against the latest ATS waveforms. This accuracy has been confirmed in Clinical comparison (De Soomer K et al. (Un)reliability of some handheld spirometers) showing the reliability of Spirostik as diagnostic spirometer. Accuracy of the system is maintained through continuous inspections during the Spiraflow production process allowing the system to be calibrated without the need for a calibration syringe.


Quick and easy in daily practice

With its small form factor and the easy USB-connection, any PC running the  BLUE CHERRY® software suite can become a spirometer, simply plug in the Spirostik to an available USB port. This makes Spirostik ideal for the use in different rooms or even in mobile applications such as use in the community as a screening tool. Supplied in a robust carrying case, everything is kept safe and tidy during transport.

Accuracy can be further improved with the addition of the USB based environmental module Ambistik. The Ambistik continuously measures ambient conditions temperature, pressure and humidity and ensures the correct BTPS compensation at all times removing the need for the user to enter these values manually.


Intuitive software platform

The Spirostik runs under the powerful BLUE CHERRY® diagnostic software platform and as such can be combined with other products from Geratherm Respiratory to create a full-suite of cardiopulmonary diagnostic testing. BLUE CHERRY® is fully scalable from simple single-workstation installations up to complex network solutions and can be customised to fulfil a broad range of requirements – from daily medical routine to clinical research.


BLUE CHERRY® – The powerful diagnostic software

Geratherm Respiratory is continuously developing BLUE CHERRY® to encompass the latest clinical advances and to further improve its use with helpful new functions. Some features include

  • Integrated quality control and measures according to ATS/ERS guidelines
  • Interpretation algorithms and proprietary interpretation graphics for spirometry
  • Latest GLI predicted values (2012 and 2017) including Z-Scores
  • Individually configurable reports
  • Long-term trending and overlay of tests
  • User accounts with different authority levels
  • Optimised workflows through interfaces with HL7 or GDT to existing Hospital systems
  • Powerful reporting including .pdf export
  • Complex and safe network installations with central SQL database

Making the Spirostik a key part of the latest generation of spirometry and following our motto: Living Flow


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