From Nilemed service department in Dubai, 6 dedicated service technicians work to give our customers the best support experience. Installations and repairs are always carried out by competent technicians who, through a close dialogue with doctors, nurses and medical technicians, adapt their visits to the hospitals’ workflows and routines.

you are welcome to contact us on telephone.
Our service technicians and product specialists have a solid educational background, and are constantly updated with new knowledge about the traded products and developments within them.
This is done by ongoing participation in courses and training courses at our suppliers, just as we follow the general development in the industry – including changed needs and regulatory requirements in e.g. the certifications DS/EN ISO 9001:2008 and the medical standard DS/EN ISO 13485:2003
Nilemed works purposefully to deliver flexible, solid and fast support, which ensures that our customers progress quickly and thereby minimizes unnecessary disruptions in work routines and work processes.
To ensure fast service and advice, we offer both support in the form of personal attendance and per telephone. It is also possible to draw up individual service agreements, for preventive maintenance inspection and support of single standing devices and large installations.
When delivering and installing equipment, we train both users and medical technicians to ensure that everyone is comfortable using the delivered product and that it is used optimally.