About MultiPulse HoPLUS
MultiPulse HoPLUS is a high power holmium laser device characterized by great flexibility and efficiency, which is a must in centers of excellence in Endourology.

MultiPulse HoPLUS is optimized for applications in Urological Surgery requiring high power emission, with a particular focus on BPH treatment. This laser system enables performance of both HoLAP (Holmium Laser Ablation of the Prostate) and the more advanced HoLEP (Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate), as a minimally invasive alternative to the traditional techniques of prostatectomy such as transurethral resection (TURP) and open surgery. HoLEP, thanks to the surgical technique progress together with the presence of the integrated morcellator, makes it possible to reduce operating time and treat prostates of any size. With this technique, the enucleated tissue can also be evaluated histopathologically in all cases.